Pilates and pregnancy go hand in hand, this exercise with Yoga are two of the best forms of exercise to do during and after pregnancy.

As pregnancy is a time where you undergo enormous physical, emotional and hormonal changes, it is also a time to maintain health and fitness. Paola and her trainers have pre and post natal specialist certificates and are experienced at delivering a safe programme which is tailor made to the individual as no two pregnancies are the same. Paola and her team will make your training experience unique. With each trimester there will be a modification to the exercises to ensure you are training safely and comfortably. Throughout the pilates and pregnancy course you will gain strength and suppleness, keep the core muscles strong including pelvic floor and deep back muscles, improve postural muscles that weaken with pregnancy and prepare you for the birth.

Exercising after having a baby is equally important for many reasons, not just regaining your figure. As the weight of the baby increases the stress on the spine and core muscles increase thus shifting the spine. Along with this the muscles and ligaments are weakened. It is important to regain the strength in the areas that have been weakened in order to correct your posture and pelvic floor muscles.

Our programme will help you gradually improve your strength and build up your stamina at the pace we feel is appropriate for you. This will benefit you greatly with every day demands placed on you with a new a baby.